
Callus of the Maw
Thunderous chasm, larynx agape
Orifice erupts in asperous melody
Sonic crest trenching forth
Throbbing panes in shattered walls
Ousting din, vibrant gurch
Canyons of static deformed
Insurmountable diffraction thrumming deep
A curled tongue fractal and convulsing
Despondent hearts proclaim to lopped ears
Forlorn in vacant space
A torrid wind reverberating ire
Two hundred light years, ceaseless illness
Strident hum impregnates the fetid chamber of every lobe
Yellowed faces, boiling livers
Broken free of earthly tether
Despondent hearts proclaim to lopped ears
Forlorn in vacant space
Noxious fume bathes a writhing frame
Two hundred light years, ceaseless illness
Abound of frigid plane
A life diluted to vestige
Gracian Axiom
Quietus abounding astir, afoot
Souring wills, probity thins
Maligned conscience, fever sweats
Chrysalis mangled forward birth
Unerring portrayal, inexplicable ugliness
Numen, ubiquitous pique
Cosm, fleeting alee
Fervent dream ravaged into the bellies of ants
Desideratum of declension abound
A debility of our sprout
Invulnerable wilt of time
Penitent terrene ponders, to arrive at but a whim
Amnemonic plentitude, bellowing onward
Suasious, aculeate, thy omittеnce of omen
Mollient curtain of ignorancе
Pour forth mirth
Relish death
Lambent Urn
Croaking inward, out expire
All hope fails and all pain lingers
Trembling shell, coveted ark
Bolus of verboten wisdom
Urn of ciphers, thrust upon
Upheaved from irenic petals
Caustic dictum, vitalized
At the hands of whilom ardent
Hearts ignites such foolish ward
Once loved and spry
Croaking inward, out expire
Sentient fronds exude their fibers
Charred firs in starless fire
Forest berth of smothered liars
Shimmering husk, oncе procured
Foolish wardens, once bеloved
Hornet horde enfolding, moldering as one
Golden platelets pulled and pried
Furtive blanket stripped aside
Verum vititi unveiled
All hope will fail
Impetus in Mire
Eyes washed, balance listing
Ivory light penetrates a long decrepit iris
Luminous flux, paralyzing
Motherless and frail, pale and disregarded
Their figures breadth narrow, nescient to surroundings
Inmost gouging, utmost spanning
Pathosis pervade, truculence terminus
A raven stabbed in its glabellum
A wielded dagger of umpteen palms
Pine for bedlam, fawn for tumult
Wend your gaze from light
Sparrow butchers the worm
Plague consumes the foul
Man eats the dog
Embers raining above
Muring yawp
Licentious thrills
Acerbic philter imbibed at velleity of the suitor
Worldly tendrils unfetter their stricture
Rare heart felled
Swain villipended
The Earth's iron lung
The Earth's iron lung
Earth's Iron Lung
Turbid fabrics under dirt unfurling to a pith of black
Perforating mantle, upward waft ensuing ash
Portentous penumbra
Dereliction to conform
The kindling of all that was, immersed in brine
In the aperture of tears, mounts a lurid knowing
Of a lilt, so everpresent
Of a heaven, so unbeknownst
A sky of nebulae, slivered and molten
A gleaming ebb of all effervescent joy
A mare's tail, billowing soot
Mankind cries its final yawn
Misery upon a bastard earth
To be pious is to perish
To untether is to persist
Widening fissure swallows the preponderance
Radiant burst bestows acrid enlightenment
Soul wind
Interstice wanes
Door to Moil
A hand outstretched to most unsung reaches
is not to nurture itself with the warmth of a familiar grasp,
but is to fall distant of that which is elusive and unwavering.
Inherent of Life
Heave outward, cinders of splendorous upheaval
The vestigial form, obliquity abrogated
Most unbecoming stupor doused
Iniquitous cane, lain athwart
And such shall bequeath languorous spirit divest of thy antiquated crutch
Cranial star systems flicker and die
A synapse fires in disarray
Larval mode of being beckoned forth
An ought to suffer, unquenched
Unending vigor siphoned per an organ, the nocuous ardor
Contempt is a shepherd in its succoring embrace
Spirit rebind
Scorn dictates thought
Scattered Prism
Fathomless aft embryonic
Minusculus prism ere entropic eye
Perplexing apeirogon
Overwhelming simulacrum
Mar weave alter consuming
Plumb spawning uveitis
Vile brane, unknowable shape
Unrelenting clepsydra
A thousand epochs permeated
Eye floods
'I' fold
Fathomless aft embryonic
Minusculus ere entropic
Ubiquitary withal emcompassed
Loom of Wills
Olde geloma ever entwining
Sui generis usor
Seven billion strings
Torturous lilt emanates the sinews
Discordant note adumbrates per us thralls
Luthier of innumerable arms
Analogous - magnapinnadae
Composer of sorrows
Wreather of marring weaves
Abets the vassals anent animus
Scythe to the sinews
Eon err
Hole of tomes
Fjord Peaks
Languid fawn, tranquil and bereft
Birthed of a womb inanimate
Shrouded eyes, pulpous skull
Cernuous in the weald
Arcuate horn cankers the hide of a cervid
A mere seed, a spore, cancerous and billowing
Proton burst, its seams sagacious, transcending
Aerial wound, burgeoning eternal
Gash in the lid
Throat of a realm
Branch of silence craning down
Vault emptied
Ewer echoing
Outpouring cognizance
Gash in the lid
Dearth of an end
Blaring cacophony crumbles the ailing bairn
A timbre is petrified and forgеd into a marking
An impetus is yielded to mirе and loam
In tyme